In the framework of the PASSAGE project, two seminars with the subject “How to welcome migrant and refugee children in my classroom” were organized in Cyprus by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (CPI) and by the Center of Social Innovation (CSI). The seminars took place in Nicosia on the 24th of September 2022 and in Limassol on the 8th of October 2022 (8.30 – 3.30) with the participation of more than 70 teachers from 46 different primary and secondary schools in Cyprus.
The participants teachers had the opportunity to develop their capacity to deal with diversity, manage intercultural communication and promote social inclusion. Moreover, they developed their skills in promoting of social cooperation and inclusion between students and the educational community, and to empower in the main pedagogical approaches, which are useful for teaching students with a refugee or immigrant background.

The teachers were divided in groups and had the opportunity to interact with each other on targeted activities, to discuss on case studies and videos taken from the online course of the PASSAGE project and to share good practices that they have tried in their school or in their classes, in order to succeed an inclusive learning environment for all students. During the seminars, the teachers were enrolled to the online platform of the project and complete some of the activities.