Ljudska univerza Ptuj

Ljudska univerza Ptuj (LUP) is a public institution for adult education. We are a modern, user-friendly adult education centre, professionally recognized, highly experienced with a rich mixture of programs for different target groups. With almost 100 years of experience in both formal and non-formal education, we are the leading adult education centre in the region. We were established by the Municipality of Ptuj for educational services, the implementation of which is in the public interest.
Adult education at the Public University of Ptuj consists of several areas, namely:
- Education for obtaining an education (from primary school to including university education)
- Non-formal public-valid educational programs (lifelong learning and publicly valid English and German courses),
- Vocational training (eg. training for an accountant, forklift driver, social worker, website designer, confectioner textile, meat processing, project manager ),
- Non-formal education (foreign language courses, computer courses, third age University programs, specialized courses for companies, training in administrative procedure law, communication skills…),
- Involvement in public network in the field of adult education (counselling, evaluation of previously acquired competencies, Center for self-directed learning)
- International projects (Erasmus +, Europe for Citizens, EEA and Norwegian Grants)
- National projects:
- Counselling and guidance in adult education
- Social inclusion
- Developing rural regions
- Developing basic and professional competencies 45+
- Family centre
- Programmes for migrants
Our programs are implemented predominantly under the domain of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, and in the last years also under the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs and Ministry of Agriculture.
Ljudska univerza Ptuj has the ability and equipment needed for the implementation of all proposed project activities. Amongst our expertise is research capabilities, consisting of needs analysis and state of the art research, as educators of adults we have a lot of experience in the preparation of different educational programs and modules for the implementation of skills. As project coordinators in other EU and national projects, we are experienced also in elaboration and validation activities, project management, financial management and dissemination actions. In the years 2008 – 2020 we were the leading organization for several projects on the field of lifelong education, ICT courses for seniors, workshops for the unemployed, EU study visits, activities for raising the level of literacy, workshops for younger people for motivating them to finish their education, different EU supported ERASMUS+.
There are 18 employees at Public University, but we engage more than 80 external experts each year. The number of participants varies between 1.500 and 2.500 every year.
LUP strives for excellence and try constantly to be innovative and creative, matching the needs and possibilities of the local environment with experience and up-to-date educational offer.

The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1972 by a decision of the Council of Ministers and started operating in 1973 aiming at becoming “..a centre where the profession itself undertakes a critique of its activities, and where cooperative work is done by educators at all levels of seniority in the system, whether they are engaged in class teaching, in teacher training, in supervisory roles or in educational administration.” (Weddell, UNESCO report 1971, p. 14, §3.9)
The mission of the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute is the design and implementation of continuous professional learning of teachers at all levels, the setting of framework for the teacher competences and the promotion of horizontal issues of educational priority, improving the content and effectiveness of the education provided in accordance with the wider international, European and local context. Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (PI) is, according to recent Council of Ministers Decisions (August 2015, July, 2017) the official department of the Ministry of Education and Culture which runs the professional learning of teachers.
Since 2015, a unified policy was introduced by the Ministry of Education concerning the professional learning of teachers. The policy designate Cyprus Pedagogical Institute as the Official Body for Professional Learning of in-service teachers. At the same time, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute enhance Professional Learning of teachers via different methodologies (mainly action research metholodogy). All of them provide opportunities for systematic training which includes needs assessment, planning, acting, reflecting and evaluating on matters which are relevant to the needs of the specific school. Throughout this procedure, the school prepares its professional learning action plan which is a part of a broader development action plan. All schools are supported to develop their professional learning action plan.
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute presides the Interdepartmental Committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth for the integration of children with migrant background to the Cyprus Educational System. This Committee provides a framework for every action and activity which falls within the Cyprus educational system in respect to the issue of the integration of pupils with migrant background. In addition to that CPI offers professional learning opportunities to primary and secondary education teachers on topics like teaching Greek as a second language and intercultural education as well as distance education material.

CESIE is a European Centre of Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist, activist and educator Danilo Dolci (1924-1997).
Our mission is to promote educational innovation, participation and growth. CESIE’s slogan, the world is only one creature, express the philosophy for which the organisation works: inclusion and equity for all.
CESIE is structured in 6 main units:
● Higher Education and Research: fostering progress, sustainable and responsible research and innovation in Higher Education and Research Systems;
● Rights and Justice: promoting equality, protecting the rights of people, preventing and developing responses to violence and discrimination;
● Adult: upgrading lifelong learning in adult education, boosting innovative practices and developing key competences for adults;
● Migration: developing effective and inclusive approaches for asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants;
● School: improving quality and efficiency in school education;
● Youth: enhancing active citizenship, training, education, and mobility of young people.

Symplexis is a Greek non-for-profit organization that strives to ensure equal opportunities for all through actions and measures that build skills, empower and promote active engagement and participation focusing on the most vulnerable categories of the population and particularly those with fewer opportunities. Symplexis’ mission is to elevate social cohesion through integrated actions and project-based activities that aim at promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged groups at risk of marginalization and exclusion, while promoting and protecting the rights of various types of population groups that face discrimination focusing on the empowerment and support of victims, awareness raising and information sharing at all levels.
Symplexis’ activity builds on user-led approaches and interventions around four main axes of expertise, namely:
● The social and economic inclusion of those most in need comprising a wide variety of activities aimed at reducing poverty, preventing marginalisation and promoting the sustainable integration of disadvantaged groups, particularly focusing on Third Country Nationals.
● The protection and promotion of human rights through activities and interventions that address the needs of a wide range of discriminated population groups, such as women, children and elderly people, victims of violence and human trafficking, the LGBTQI community, Roma and unaccompanied minors, migrants and asylum seekers/ refugees.
● Upskilling, capacity building and empowerment of vulnerable groups with the aim to promote equal access to formal and non-formal education for all and promote lifelong learning focusing on low-skills individuals that face difficulties in (re) the labour market.
● Child and youth development through actions and projects designed to reduce youth poverty, promote child protection and stimulate social inclusion and development.

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. The CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology specialists. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team’s areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming. CSI draws know-how and skills from its wide global network, which includes academic institutions, IT companies, public services, international organizations, start-ups, and public services.

Casa do Professor was founded in 1979 with the purpose of supporting teachers of all levels of education, through the promotion of social, scientific, training, cultural and recreational initiatives. In order to achieve this goal, the institution offers a very diversified set of activities and services, for the benefit of thousands of associates, to which they add their respective direct family members. Through our Training Centre, with 25 years of excellence in continuing teacher training, we cooperate with a large network of schools from all over Portugal and provide training courses/modules addressed to teachers and non-teachers adults, as well as training certified by the Scientific Pedagogical Council for Lifelong Education. Our Pedagogical Innovation Center aims to respond to the complex reality of schools, based on the best national and international strategies, in order to contribute to the definition of an Educational Policy that considers the importance of redefining the role of teachers. The student and the problems identified in the different school contexts are at the center of the concerns of the department, which requires a shared vision and understanding between different actors in an integrated manner, based on four fundamental areas: pedagogy, technology, psychology and neuroscience. Our mission is to recognize and enhance teachers’ role in society.

Jaunimo karjeros centras (En. Youth Career & Advising Center (YC&AC) is a non-profit‚ non-governmental institution established in 1999 by the Open Society Fund-Lithuania and Vytautas Magnus University with a strong focus on educational programs. The Center is located in Kaunas‚ Lithuania‚ and has a client-centered‚ well equipped academic and educational community based resource and advising center in Vytautas Magnus University campus. Location of the Center and collaborative relationship with the university model and enable cooperation between YC&AC and educational institutions in Lithuania and abroad.
YC&AC has a strong network of trainers‚ experts‚ consultants and advisers who provide services all around the country. Through this network of people the Center is informed on the newest youth guidance and development‚ violence against children‚ active civic participation issues. Based on this learning the organisation constantly develops perspectives on how to integrate and solve these issues in the society.
YC&AC is an accredited in-service teacher training institution (accreditation given by the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science)‚ an authorised TOEFL iBT (Test of English as Foreign Language) testing center and an authorised EducationUSA center.
YC&AC aims to meet public needs through educational‚ scientific‚ cultural‚ social and legal initiatives and to carry out activities in order to realize the following objectives:
- To develop educational‚ social and cultural initiatives;
- To create and improve the system of career guidance services;
- To stimulate actions of academic community;
- To initiate strategic projects for change in educational system and integration into EU environment;
- To provide information about study opportunities in Lithuania and abroad;
- To provide guidance on career decision making process and personal realisation;
- Provide educational programmes for youth and adults.
Youth Career & Advising Center deals with different typologies of publics. The Center provides information‚ counseling and educational services for students from secondary schools‚ vocational education and training institutions‚ colleges and universities. YC&AC also provides educational services for teachers‚ psychologists‚ social workers‚ school managers‚ parents. The Center has also developed special services for children and youth living in child care homes‚ young offenders‚ people with disabilities.